Monday, June 3, 2013


Advice about high school
   The advice my mother told me is that when you get into high school you need to focus on your work, and get it done. My sister, who has graduated, told me that if I just pay attention in class and do all my homework that I will do fine. They both told me to try my hardest and that will get me every where in life. They gave me advice for high school because they know I won't do anything bad.

    They told me that good grades will get me into a good college. My brother, who is a sophomore in high school, told me that he didn't do his homework and that is why he has such low grades. So I think if I just stay on task and do my homework then I will be fine. He gave me advice for high school. He also said don't skip school.

    Some of my friends told me to not do what others say. To just do what you want to do. To not compare others goals with your own. To be the person you want to be. And achieve your own goals. This is for high school and not a list of supplies for classes.